Why does .lesshst keep showing up in my ~

FIlenames starting with . are (lightly) hidden files. They're often use by programs to record configuration or usage information. Sometimes that's recorded from the last time you used the program; that's the case with less and the .lesshist "history" file.

If you aren't sure which program created the file, a websearch will usually answer the question... so I'm leaving understanding the rest of those files as an Exercise For The Reader.

You can disable the creation of the ~/.lesshst file by setting the LESSHISTFILE variable to -.


You can also set the above to another valid file path to have the less command use that file instead. I like to do the following in my ~/.xprofile file:

export LESSHISTFILE="$XDG_STATE_HOME"/less/history

As for your git stuff, Git probably wasn't the program that created the ~/.config folder. That folder is part of the XDG Base Dirs specification, and git actually respects this specification. In short all you need to do is:

  • mv -T ~/.gitconfig $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/config
  • mv -T ~/.gitignore_global $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/ignore

Also see Arch Wiki for XDG Base Directory

