Why does Math.round(0.49999999999999994) return 1?


In Java 6 (and presumably earlier), round(x) is implemented as floor(x+0.5).1 This is a specification bug, for precisely this one pathological case.2 Java 7 no longer mandates this broken implementation.3

The problem

0.5+0.49999999999999994 is exactly 1 in double precision:

static void print(double d) {
    System.out.printf("%016x\n", Double.doubleToLongBits(d));

public static void main(String args[]) {
    double a = 0.5;
    double b = 0.49999999999999994;

    print(a);      // 3fe0000000000000
    print(b);      // 3fdfffffffffffff
    print(a+b);    // 3ff0000000000000
    print(1.0);    // 3ff0000000000000

This is because 0.49999999999999994 has a smaller exponent than 0.5, so when they're added, its mantissa is shifted, and the ULP gets bigger.

The solution

Since Java 7, OpenJDK (for example) implements it thus:4

public static long round(double a) {
    if (a != 0x1.fffffffffffffp-2) // greatest double value less than 0.5
        return (long)floor(a + 0.5d);
        return 0;

1. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/Math.html#round%28double%29

2. http://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6430675 (credits to @SimonNickerson for finding this)

3. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Math.html#round%28double%29

4. http://grepcode.com/file/repository.grepcode.com/java/root/jdk/openjdk/7u40-b43/java/lang/Math.java#Math.round%28double%29

This appears to be a known bug (Java bug 6430675: Math.round has surprising behavior for 0x1.fffffffffffffp-2) which has been fixed in Java 7.

Source code in JDK 6:

public static long round(double a) {
    return (long)Math.floor(a + 0.5d);

Source code in JDK 7:

public static long round(double a) {
    if (a != 0x1.fffffffffffffp-2) {
        // a is not the greatest double value less than 0.5
        return (long)Math.floor(a + 0.5d);
    } else {
        return 0;

When the value is 0.49999999999999994d, in JDK 6, it will call floor and hence returns 1, but in JDK 7, the if condition is checking whether the number is the greatest double value less than 0.5 or not. As in this case the number is not the greatest double value less than 0.5, so the else block returns 0.

You can try 0.49999999999999999d, which will return 1, but not 0, because this is the greatest double value less than 0.5.