Why does Mathematica try to take the first element of the empty list when plotting?
I am using V12.1.1.0 on MacOS 10.13.4 and I can reproduces your problem. I found the following work-around:
{{1500, 4}, {1510, 4}, {1520, 4}, {1850, 6}},
"a", {{2500, 6}, {0, .5}}, {2100, 6}],
Callout[{{1500, 1}, {18100, 1}}, "b"]},
Joined -> True, PlotRange -> All]
The work-around requires giving up the easy-to-use PlotLabels
option and placing a callout wrapper around the 1st dataset, so the excellent micromanaging capabilities provided by Callout
can be used.
As a workaround
"12.1.1 for Mac OS X x86 (64-bit) (June 19, 2020)"
data = {{{1500, 4}, {1510, 4}, {1520, 4}, {1850, 6}}, {{1500, 1}, {18100, 1}}};
labels = {"a", "b"};
PlotStyle -> ColorData[97][#[[2]]],
PlotLabels -> #[[3]],
Joined -> True] & /@
Transpose[{data, Range[Length[data]], labels}],
PlotRange -> All,
AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}]
PlotStyle -> ColorData[97][#2],
PlotLabels -> #3,
Joined -> True] & @@@
Transpose[{data, Range[Length[data]], labels}],
PlotRange -> All,
AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}]