Why does mysql connector break ("Lost connection to MySQL server during query" error)
I also had to switch to PyMySQL. I am running pip 1.5.6, Python 2.7.8, and tried mysql-connector 2.0.1
I was able to run the query from within Sequel Pro with no problems, but my Python query would fail with the error described in the question after returning just a subset of results.
Switched to PyMySQL and things work as expected.
In the virtualenv:
pip install pymysql
In the code:
import pymysql
connection = pymysql.connect(user='x', passwd='x',
cursor = connection.cursor()
query = ("MYQUERY")
for item in cursor:
print item
Definitely a bug in mysql-connector-python.
Try increasing your net_read_timeout
(probably a default value of 30secs is too small in your scenario)
and in general:
B.5.2.3 Lost connection to MySQL server
I encountered similar problems too. In my case it was solved by getting the cursor in this way:
cur = connection.cursor(buffered=True)