Why does Optional.map make this assignment work?

If you look into the code of map and follow all the method calls, you'll see that option.map(list -> list) ends up returning new Optional<>(option.get()). So you can replace your last assignment with:

Optional<ArrayList<?>> works = new Optional<>(option.get());

This creates a new Optional<ArrayList<?>> and initializes its value instance variable (whose type is ArrayList<?>) with the ArrayList<String> returned by map.get(). This is a valid assignment.

Is there some sort of implicit cast going on?

No, map returns a new Optional instance. It doesn't cast the original instance on which it was called.

Here's the chain of method calls:

option.map(list -> list)

returns (since option is not empty)


which in your case is the same as


which returns (since the value is not null):


which returns

new Optional<>(value)

Well the first one does not work because generics are invariant, the only way to make them covariant is to add a bounded type for example:

 Optional<? extends ArrayList<String>> doesntWork = option; 

that would compile.

And when you say that the map step should no accomplish anything is well, not correct. Look at the definition of Optional::map:

public <U> Optional<U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper) {
    if (!isPresent()) {
        return empty();
    } else {
        return Optional.ofNullable(mapper.apply(value));

roughly speaking it does transform from Optional<T> to Optional<U>...