Why does positive definite matrix have strictly positive eigenvalue?

Suppose our matrix $A$ has eigenvalue $\lambda$.

If $\lambda = 0$, then there is some eigenvector $x$ so that $Ax = 0$. But then $x^T A x = 0$, and so $A$ is not positive definite.

If $\lambda < 0$, then there is some eigenvector $x$ so that $Ax = \lambda x$. But then $x^T A x = \lambda \lvert x \rvert^2$, which is negative since $\lvert x \rvert^2 > 0$ and $\lambda < 0$. Thus $A$ is not positive definite.

And so if $A$ is positive definite, it only has positive eigenvalues.

Hint: If $\lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $A$, let $x$ be the associated eigenvector, and consider $x'Ax$.