Why does Python treat tuples, lists, sets and dictionaries as fundamentally different things?

tl;dr (duck-typing)

You're correct to see some similarities in all these data structures. Remember that python uses duck-typing (if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is a duck). If you can use two objects in the same situation then, for your current intents and purposes, they might as well be the same data type. But you always have to keep in mind that if you try to use them in other situations, they may no longer behave the same way.

With this in mind we should take a look at what's actually different and the same about the four data types you mentioned, to get a general idea of the situations where they are interchangeable.

Mutability (can you change it?)

You can make changes to dictionaries, lists, and sets. Tuples cannot be "changed" without making a copy.

  • Mutable: dict, list, set

    Immutable: tuple

Python string is also an immutable type. Why do we want some immutable objects? I would paraphrase from this answer:

  1. Immutable objects can be optimized a lot

  2. In Python, only immutables are hashable (and only hashable objects can be members of sets, or keys in dictionaries).

Comparing across this property, lists and tuples seem like the "closest" two data types. At a high-level a tuple is an immutable "freeze-frame" version of a list. This makes lists useful for data sets that will be changing over time (since you don't have to copy a list to modify it) but tuples useful for things like dictionary keys (which must be immutable types).

Ordering (and a note on abstract data types)

A dictionary, like a set, has no inherent conceptual order to it. This is in contrast to lists and tuples, which do have an order. The order for the items in a dict or a set is abstracted away from the programmer, meaning that if element A comes before B in a for k in mydata loop, you shouldn't (and can't generally) rely on A being before B once you start making changes to mydata.

  • Order-preserving: list, tuple

    Non-order-preserving: dict, set

Technically if you iterate over mydata twice in a row it'll be in the same order, but this is more a convenient feature of the mechanics of python, and not really a part of the set abstract data type (the mathematical definition of the data type). Lists and tuples do guarantee order though, especially tuples which are immutable.

What you see when you iterate (if it walks like a duck...)

  • One "item" per "element": set, list, tuple

    Two "items" per "element": dict

I suppose here you could see a named tuple, which has both a name and a value for each element, as an immutable analogue of a dictionary. But this is a tenuous comparison- keep in mind that duck-typing will cause problems if you're trying to use a dictionary-only method on a named tuple, or vice-versa.

Direct responses to your questions

Isn't a dictionary just a list of tuples with a particular uniqueness constraint?

No, there are several differences. Dictionaries have no inherent order, which is different from a list, which does.

Also, a dictionary has a key and a value for each "element". A tuple, on the other hand, can have an arbitrary number of elements, but each with only a value.

Because of the mechanics of a dictionary, where keys act like a set, you can look up values in constant time if you have the key. In a list of tuples (pairs here), you would need to iterate through the list until you found the key, meaning search would be linear in the number of elements in your list.

Most importantly, though, dictionary items can be changed, while tuples cannot.

Isn't a list just a set with a different kind of uniqueness constraint?

Again, I'd stress that sets have no inherent ordering, while lists do. This makes lists much more useful for representing things like stacks and queues, where you want to be able to remember the order in which you appended items. Sets offer no such guarantee. However they do offer the advantage of being able to do membership lookups in constant time, while again lists take linear time.

There are now named tuples -- starting to feel more like a special-case dictionary. There are now ordered dictionaries -- starting to feel more like a list. And I just saw a recipe for ordered sets. I can picture this going on and on ... what about unique lists, etc.

To some degree I agree with you. However data structure libraries can be useful to support common use-cases for already well-established data structures. This keep the programmer from wasting time trying to come up with custom extensions to the standard structures. As long as it doesn't get out of hand, and we can still see the unique usefulness in each solution, it's good to have a wheel on the shelf so we don't need to reinvent it.

A great example is the Counter() class. This specialized dictionary has been of use to me more times than I can count (badoom-tshhhhh!) and it has saved me the effort of coding up a custom solution. I'd much rather have a solution that the community is helping me to develop and keep with proper python best-practices than something that sits around in my custom data structures folder and only gets used once or twice a year.

These data types all serve different purposes, and in an ideal world you might be able to unify them more. However, in the real world we need to have efficient implementations of the basic collections, and e.g. ordering adds a runtime penalty.

The named tuples mainly serve to make the interface of stat() and the like more usable, and also can be nice when dealing with SQL row sets.

The big unification you're looking for is actually there, in the form of the different access protocols (getitem, getattr, iter, ...), which these types mix and match for their intended purposes.

First of all, Ordered Dictionaries and Named Tuples were introduced in Python 2, but that's beside the point.

I won't point you at the docs since if you were really interested you would have read them already.

The first difference between collection types is mutability. tuple and frozenset are immutable types. This means they can be more efficient than list or set.

If you want something you can access randomly or in order, but will mainly change at the end, you want a list. If you want something you can also change at the beginning, you want a deque.

You simply can't have your cake and eat it too -- every feature you add causes you to lose some speed.

dict and set are fundamentally different from lists and tuples`. They store the hash of their keys, allowing you to see if an item is in them very quickly, but requires the key be hashable. You don't get the same membership testing speed with linked lists or arrays.

When you get to OrderedDict and NamedTuple, you're talking about subclasses of the builtin types implemented in Python, rather than in C. They are for special cases, just like any other code in the standard library you have to import. They don't clutter up the namespace but are nice to have when you need them.

One of these days, you'll be coding, and you'll say, "Man, now I know exactly what they meant by 'There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it', a set is just what I needed for this, I'm so glad it's part of the Python language! If I had to use a list, it would take forever." That's when you'll understand why these different types exist.