Why does the hover pseudo-class override the active pseudo-class

Because in the first code you defined :hover after you defined :active, so :hover "overwrote" :active. In the second, it's the other way around, :active overwrites :hover.

The active state must be declared after the hover state, in your CSS you're clumping together the active state before the active state so it's not being triggered.

If you state the proper order of operation it works, like below, it works fine.

a.noworks:link, a.noworks:visited {
    background: red;

a.noworks:hover {
    background: green;

a.noworks:active {
    background: red;

So, to answer your question, yes this is the expected behavior.

Here is the order of operation:


yes this is expected behavior,

lets take a look at another example. just adding two classes,

<li class="item first">item</li>
<li class="item">item</li>
<li class="item">item</li>
<li class="item">item</li>
<li class="item last">item</li>

here the class first also comes together with the class item. but if we declare our css in the wrong order that would not give the wanted behavior

.first { background: blue; }
.item { background: red; }

as you can see, the last matching selector will be used. it is the same as your example, no mather what is more logic, the 2 pseudo-classes are concidered equal, thus the same rules apply the last matching defenition wins.


pseudoclasses are equals, it is the one defined last that wins! here is a jsFiddle that proves my point :link defined after :hover, :link wins (test) so, your statement of :hover overriding :link is wrong, its just the same like with :active, its all about the order.