Why does this RegEx work the way I want it to?
is greedy. You want .*?
to find up to only the first =
You appear to be using 'greedy' matching.
Greedy matching says "eat as much as possible to make this work"
try with
for starters, that will stop it matching the "=" as part of ".*"
but in future, you might want to read up on the
notation, which stops at the first possible condtion that matches instead of the last.
The use of 'non-greedy' syntax would be better if you were trying to only stop when you saw TWO characters,
which would stop on the first '=id' regardless of whether or not there are '=' in between.
.* is greedy, so it'll find up to the last =. If you want it non-greedy, add a question mark, like so: .*?