Why doesn't right-click work on my desktop?

Try this:

  • Go to the Software Center, type Advanced Settings in search, and install the Advanced Settings (Gnome Tweak) tool.

Gnome Tweak

  • Click on the launcher (top left), type advanced and run the Advanced Settings tool. Under Desktop, set the first item "Have file manager handle the desktop" to ON. If it is ON, turn off then on again.

adv settings

  • That should hopefully fix the right-click issue.

please try the following to repair the rightclick-behaviour of the desktop:

  1. Install gconf-editor and open it

    sudo apt-get install gconf-editor && gconf-editor
  2. Go to apps > nautilus > preferences

  3. Check whether the tick at the 'show desktop' entry is set.
  4. If not, activate this item.
  5. Restart the machine or log out and log in back.

These steps should clear your problem with the desktop :)

That happens when the desktop icons are disabled. You can use the permanent fix of going to dconf-editor, org > gnome > desktop > background and click show desktop icons, then reboot and it's solved.

I hate the desktop icons, but unity disables other features if this is removed.