Why doesn't std::string provide implicit conversion to char*?

From the C++ Programming Language 20.3.7 (emphasis mine):

Conversion to a C-style string could have been provided by an operator const char*() rather than c_str(). This would have provided the convenience of an implicit conversion at the cost of surprises in cases in which such a conversion was unexpected.

I see at least two problems with the implicit conversion:

  • Even the explicit conversion that c_str() provides is dangerous enough as is. I've seen a lot of cases where the pointer was stored to be used after the lifetime of the original string object had ended (or the object was modified thus invalidating the pointer). With the explicit call to c_str() you hopefully are aware of these issues. But with the implicit conversion it would be very easy to cause undefined behavior as in:

    const char *filename = string("/tmp/") + name;
    ofstream tmpfile(filename); // UB
  • The conversion would also happen in some cases where you wouldn't expect it and the semantics are surprising to say the least:

    string name;
    if (name) // always true
    name-2; // pointer arithmetic + UB
    These could be avoided by some means but why get into this trouble in the first place?

The Josuttis book says the following:

This is for safety reasons to prevent unintended type conversions that result in strange behavior (type char * often has strange behavior) and ambiguities (for example, in an expression that combines a string and a C-string it would be possible to convert string into char * and vice versa).



