Why doesn't TypeScript recognize module augmentation for a Vue plugin?

When you augment Vue typings for use with a plugin - as in test-plugin.d.ts - you need to import Vue first:

import Vue from 'vue'

declare module 'vue/types/vue' {
  interface Vue {
   $myPlugin: object 

Its explained here in the docs.


I don't see mention of it your post, but if you haven't done so you also need a shim for single file components:

// sfc.d.ts
declare module '*.vue' {
  import Vue from 'vue'
  export default Vue

You can see this in the TypeScript-Vue-Starter repository.


Disregard the above, I didn't notice the sample repo. I managed to resolve the type error, see the changes here.


As noted by @kccricket, the plugin's implementation and declaration files were named the same, thus causing the module in resolve incorrectly.

// original file names


what worked for me was to have the below declaration inside the .ts plugin file:

declare module 'vue/types/vue' {
  interface Vue {
    $myPlugin: object;

i tried having the same thing in the .d.ts file as recommended in that article, but intellisense still couldn't see it properly in the component code.