Why doesn't Windows 7 allow me to format?

Boot the windows 7 dvd again. When you get to the screen: "where do you want to install windows" press the keys SHIFT + F10. In the command line type in:

  1. diskpart
  2. select disk 0
  3. list partition
  4. select partition X (where X is the number of your desired partition from the 3rd command)
  5. format fs=ntfs quick

And see if it is successful. If not, we might need to remove all the partitions and re-create them. This has something to do with dell's OEM partition (which should be removed).

I'll guide you through it if you want.

You can't format the partition you booted from.

Windows is trying to be helpful.

Boot from the installation CD/DVD or from the OEM partition.

I was looking to try and help you with an answer and I think its a good idea to load a bootable partition manager or something of the sort and boot from that then edit the partitions that way.

This might be a daft thing to say but make sure a) you have the key you need to validate the install, if you do not there are plenty of tools to get it from the registry and b) if your trying to do this from a disk while in windows it wont work because the file system will be currently mounted.

I read that this is a pretty cool tool http://gparted.sourceforge.net/download.php

Oh and a quick google turned this question out which has an answer :D http://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120201101558AAmVGns