Why is Harish-Chandra's last name never used?
A link to a biography by Roger Howe now shows up on Wikipedia, and it has this to say:
about the name harish-chandra: indian names do not necessarily follow the western two-part pattern of given name, family name. a person may often have only one name, and this was the case with harish-chandra, who in his youth was called harishchandra. the hyphen was bestowed on him by the copy editor of his first scientific papers, and he kept it. later he adopted “chandra” as a family name for his daughters. given names in india are often those of gods or ancient heroes, and “harishchandra” was a king, legendary for his truthfulness already at the time of the mahabharata. i once saw an indian comic book whose cover featured “harishchandra—whose name is synonymous with truth.”