Why is my QT application not working?

I had the same problem.

You need to include the "platform" directory containing qwindows.dll and qminimal.dll in your executable directory. You can find the directory under the "plugins" folder.

If you don't add this, your application will appear to load and then exit with return code 0. Dependency walker cant help you because the DLLs are delay-loaded.

I had the same problem - I'd added all the DLLs reported by Dependency Walker, but my program exited immediately with no error message when run.

I added libEGL.dll to the program directory and it now runs normally.

I'm guessing that libEGL.dll is loaded dynamically by one of the other DLLs - probably libGLESv2.dll, on the basis that of all the known dependencies it has the most similar name (!) - and that dynamic loading is not something that Dependency Walker can detect.



