Why is my travis build not starting?

Everything worked fine. Patience is the key. It took several hours (almost a full day) before travis started on the jobs.

For me, the build was not starting because Travis couldn't find my .travis.yml config file, because it was not in my root folder.

All builds that used travis-cli.org after June 15th, 2021 will no longer work.

Here is the message from Travis Cli, when logged in using travis-ci.org:

Since June 15th, 2021, the building on travis-ci.org is ceased. Please use travis-ci.com from now on."

Most of the time it happens because of any error in your travis.yml file.

So first check your travis yaml file syntax. You can use Yamllint for this.

brew install yamllint 

Or you can use pip

pip install yamllint


Travis Ci