Why is template argument deduction disabled with std::forward?

If you pass an rvalue reference to an object of type X to a template function that takes type T&& as its parameter, template argument deduction deduces T to be X. Therefore, the parameter has type X&&. If the function argument is an lvalue or const lvalue, the compiler deduces its type to be an lvalue reference or const lvalue reference of that type.

If std::forward used template argument deduction:

Since objects with names are lvalues the only time std::forward would correctly cast to T&& would be when the input argument was an unnamed rvalue (like 7 or func()). In the case of perfect forwarding the arg you pass to std::forward is an lvalue because it has a name. std::forward's type would be deduced as an lvalue reference or const lvalue reference. Reference collapsing rules would cause the T&& in static_cast<T&&>(arg) in std::forward to always resolve as an lvalue reference or const lvalue reference.


template<typename T>
T&& forward_with_deduction(T&& obj)
    return static_cast<T&&>(obj);

void test(int&){}
void test(const int&){}
void test(int&&){}

template<typename T>
void perfect_forwarder(T&& obj)

int main()
    int x;
    const int& y(x);
    int&& z = std::move(x);

    test(forward_with_deduction(7));    //  7 is an int&&, correctly calls test(int&&)
    test(forward_with_deduction(z));    //  z is treated as an int&, calls test(int&)

    //  All the below call test(int&) or test(const int&) because in perfect_forwarder 'obj' is treated as
    //  an int& or const int& (because it is named) so T in forward_with_deduction is deduced as int& 
    //  or const int&. The T&& in static_cast<T&&>(obj) then collapses to int& or const int& - which is not what 
    //  we want in the bottom two cases.

Because std::forward(expr) is not useful. The only thing it can do is a no-op, i.e. perfectly-forward its argument and act like an identity function. The alternative would be that it's the same as std::move, but we already have that. In other words, assuming it were possible, in

template<typename Arg>
void generic_program(Arg&& arg)

std::forward(arg) is semantically equivalent to arg. On the other hand, std::forward<Arg>(arg) is not a no-op in the general case.

So by forbidding std::forward(arg) it helps catch programmer errors and we lose nothing since any possible use of std::forward(arg) are trivially replaced by arg.

I think you'd understand things better if we focus on what exactly std::forward<Arg>(arg) does, rather than what std::forward(arg) would do (since it's an uninteresting no-op). Let's try to write a no-op function template that perfectly forwards its argument.

template<typename NoopArg>
NoopArg&& noop(NoopArg&& arg)
{ return arg; }

This naive first attempt isn't quite valid. If we call noop(0) then NoopArg is deduced as int. This means that the return type is int&& and we can't bind such an rvalue reference from the expression arg, which is an lvalue (it's the name of a parameter). If we then attempt:

template<typename NoopArg>
NoopArg&& noop(NoopArg&& arg)
{ return std::move(arg); }

then int i = 0; noop(i); fails. This time, NoopArg is deduced as int& (reference collapsing rules guarantees that int& && collapses to int&), hence the return type is int&, and this time we can't bind such an lvalue reference from the expression std::move(arg) which is an xvalue.

In the context of a perfect-forwarding function like noop, sometimes we want to move, but other times we don't. The rule to know whether we should move depends on Arg: if it's not an lvalue reference type, it means noop was passed an rvalue. If it is an lvalue reference type, it means noop was passed an lvalue. So in std::forward<NoopArg>(arg), NoopArg is a necessary argument to std::forward in order for the function template to do the right thing. Without it, there's not enough information. This NoopArg is not the same type as what the T parameter of std::forward would be deduced in the general case.