Why is the URL parameter I want to retrieve not fully displayed?

I've modified your function to accept the URI as an argument. You need to encode the parameter before appending it to the query string (we can't see this code here). The decodeURIComponent in your function is also not necessary.

function getPosName (URI) {
    //var uri_dec = decodeURIComponent(uri);
    var url = new URL(URI);
    var posName = url.searchParams.get("posName");
  return posName;

console.log("Using your current URI:", getPosName("http://exemple.com?posName=Content+&+Community+Manager+(H/F)"))

const encodedParam = encodeURIComponent("Content & Community Manager (H/F)")
console.log("Encoded Parameter:", encodedParam)
const wellFormedURI = `http://exemple.com?posName=${encodedParam}`
console.log("Well Formed URI:", wellFormedURI)
console.log("Using well formed URI:", getPosName(wellFormedURI))