Why is this nested relation in LoopBack returning duplicate results?

I was using this mixin that limits the limit of a query to max out at a defined value. When include is present in a query, the mixin also sets a limit on the scope of the include like so:

"include": {"foo":"bar","scope":{"limit":1}}

Seems the mixin was assuming all includes that are objects would be written in the form of {"relation":"foo", "scope":{"include:"bars"}}, so includes were getting added twice.

For what it's worth, I wrote this simple mixin to limit the maximum number of results unless specified and stopped using the one linked above:


"mixins": {
    "ResultsetLimit": {
        "limit": 100


const _ = require('lodash');

module.exports = (Model, options) => {

     * Modify incoming query to apply appropriate limit filters.
    Model.beforeRemote('**', (ctx, unused, next) => {

        // Get the limit from the request, defaulting to the max limit.
        const request_limit = _.toNumber(_.get(ctx, 'args.filter.limit', options.limit));

        // Set the limit.
        _.set(ctx, 'args.filter.limit', request_limit);




