Why is "Unable to find encoder for type stored in a Dataset" when creating a dataset of custom case class?

Spark Datasets require Encoders for data type which is about to be stored. For common types (atomics, product types) there is a number of predefined encoders available but you have to import these first from SparkSession.implicits to make it work:

val sparkSession: SparkSession = ???
import sparkSession.implicits._
val dataset = sparkSession.createDataset(dataList)

Alternatively you can provide directly an explicit

import org.apache.spark.sql.{Encoder, Encoders}

val dataset = sparkSession.createDataset(dataList)(Encoders.product[SimpleTuple])

or implicit

implicit val enc: Encoder[SimpleTuple] = Encoders.product[SimpleTuple]
val dataset = sparkSession.createDataset(dataList)

Encoder for the stored type.

Note that Encoders also provide a number of predefined Encoders for atomic types, and Encoders for complex ones, can derived with ExpressionEncoder.

Further reading:

  • For custom objects which are not covered by built-in encoders see How to store custom objects in Dataset?
  • For Row objects you have to provide Encoder explicitly as shown in Encoder error while trying to map dataframe row to updated row
  • For debug cases, case class must be defined outside of the Main https://stackoverflow.com/a/34715827/3535853

For other users (yours is correct), note that you it's also important that the case class is defined outside of the object scope. So:


object DatasetTest {
  case class SimpleTuple(id: Int, desc: String)

  val dataList = List(
    SimpleTuple(5, "abc"),
    SimpleTuple(6, "bcd")

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder
    val dataset = sparkSession.createDataset(dataList)

Add the implicits, still fails with the same error:

object DatasetTest {
  case class SimpleTuple(id: Int, desc: String)

  val dataList = List(
    SimpleTuple(5, "abc"),
    SimpleTuple(6, "bcd")

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder

    import sparkSession.implicits._
    val dataset = sparkSession.createDataset(dataList)


case class SimpleTuple(id: Int, desc: String)

object DatasetTest {   
  val dataList = List(
    SimpleTuple(5, "abc"),
    SimpleTuple(6, "bcd")

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder

    import sparkSession.implicits._
    val dataset = sparkSession.createDataset(dataList)

Here's the relevant bug: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-13540, so hopefully it will be fixed in the next release of Spark 2.

(Edit: Looks like that bugfix is actually in Spark 2.0.0... So I'm not sure why this still fails).