Why isn't my @BeforeClass method running?

do NOT extend TestCase AND use annotations at the same time!
If you need to create a test suite with annotations, use the RunWith annotation like:

@Suite.SuiteClasses({ MyTests.class, OtherTest.class })
public class AllTests {
    // empty

public class MyTests {  // no extends here
    public static void setUpOnce() throws InterruptedException {

(by convention: class names with uppercase letter)

the method must be static and not directly call fail (otherwise the other methods won't be executed).

The following class shows all the standard JUnit 4 method types:

public class Sample {

    public static void beforeClass() {

    public void before() {

    public void test() {

    public void after() {

    public static void afterClass() {


and the ouput is (not surprisingly):


Make sure you imported @Test from the correct package.

  • Correct package: org.junit.Test
  • Incorrect pacakge: org.junit.jupiter.api.Test

Please note that this is a solution for: If your @Before, @Atter, etc did not get called at all.