Why (or when) is Rscript (or littler) better than R CMD BATCH?

R CMD BATCH is all we had years ago. It makes i/o very hard and leaves files behind.

Things got better, first with littler and then too with Rscript. Both can be used for 'shebang' lines such as



and both can be used with packages like getopt and optparse --- allowing you to write proper R scripts that can act as commands. If have dozens of them, starting with simple ones like this which I can call as install.r pkga pkgb pkgc and which will install all three and their dependencies) for me from the command-line without hogging the R prompt:

#!/usr/bin/env r       
# a simple example to install one or more packages 

if (is.null(argv) | length(argv)<1) {
  cat("Usage: installr.r pkg1 [pkg2 pkg3 ...]\n")

## adjust as necessary, see help('download.packages') 
repos <- "http://cran.rstudio.com"

## this makes sense on Debian where no packages touch /usr/local 
lib.loc <- "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library"

install.packages(argv, lib.loc, repos)

And just like Karl, I have cronjobs calling similar R scripts.

Edit on 2015-11-04: As of last week, littler is now also on CRAN.

From what I understand:


  • echo the input statements
  • can not output to stdout


  • does NOT echo
  • output to stdout
  • can be used in one-liner (i.e. with no input file)


  • all that Rscript does
  • can read commands from stdin (useful for pipelining)
  • faster startup time
  • load the methods package