Why should Java 8's Optional not be used in arguments

Oh, those coding styles are to be taken with a bit of salt.

  1. (+) Passing an Optional result to another method, without any semantic analysis; leaving that to the method, is quite alright.
  2. (-) Using Optional parameters causing conditional logic inside the methods is literally contra-productive.
  3. (-) Needing to pack an argument in an Optional, is suboptimal for the compiler, and does an unnecessary wrapping.
  4. (-) In comparison to nullable parameters Optional is more costly.
  5. (-) The risk of someone passing the Optional as null in actual parameters.

In general: Optional unifies two states, which have to be unraveled. Hence better suited for result than input, for the complexity of the data flow.

The best post I've seen on the topic was written by Daniel Olszewski:

Although it might be tempting to consider Optional for not mandatory method parameters, such a solution pale in comparison with other possible alternatives. To illustrate the problem, examine the following constructor declaration:

public SystemMessage(String title, String content, Optional<Attachment> attachment) {
    // assigning field values

At first glance it may look as a right design decision. After all, we explicitly marked the attachment parameter as optional. However, as for calling the constructor, client code can become a little bit clumsy.

SystemMessage withoutAttachment = new SystemMessage("title", "content", Optional.empty());
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
SystemMessage withAttachment = new SystemMessage("title", "content", Optional.ofNullable(attachment));

Instead of providing clarity, the factory methods of the Optional class only distract the reader. Note there’s only one optional parameter, but imagine having two or three. Uncle Bob definitely wouldn’t be proud of such code

When a method can accept optional parameters, it’s preferable to adopt the well-proven approach and design such case using method overloading. In the example of the SystemMessage class, declaring two separate constructors are superior to using Optional.

public SystemMessage(String title, String content) {
    this(title, content, null);

public SystemMessage(String title, String content, Attachment attachment) {
    // assigning field values

That change makes client code much simpler and easier to read.

SystemMessage withoutAttachment = new SystemMessage("title", "content");
Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
SystemMessage withAttachment = new SystemMessage("title", "content", attachment);

There are almost no good reasons for not using Optional as parameters. The arguments against this rely on arguments from authority (see Brian Goetz - his argument is we can't enforce non null optionals) or that the Optional arguments may be null (essentially the same argument). Of course, any reference in Java can be null, we need to encourage rules being enforced by the compiler, not programmers memory (which is problematic and does not scale).

Functional programming languages encourage Optional parameters. One of the best ways of using this is to have multiple optional parameters and using liftM2 to use a function assuming the parameters are not empty and returning an optional (see http://www.functionaljava.org/javadoc/4.4/functionaljava/fj/data/Option.html#liftM2-fj.F-). Java 8 has unfortunately implemented a very limited library supporting optional.

As Java programmers we should only be using null to interact with legacy libraries.