Why to consider binary search running time complexity as log2N

Think of it like this:

If you can afford to half something m times, (i.e., you can afford to spend time proportional to m), then how large array can you afford to search?

Obviously arrays of size 2m, right?

So if you can search an array of size n = 2m, then the time it takes is proportional to m, and solving m for n look like this:

n = 2m

log2(n) = log2(2m)

log2(n) = m

Put another way: Performing a binary search on an array of size n = 2m takes time proportional to m, or equivalently, proportional to log2(n).

Binary search :-

lets take an example to solve the problem .

suppose we are having 'n' apples and every day half of the apples gets rotten . then after how many days the apple count will be '1'.

first day n apples : a a a a .... (total n)

second day : a a a a..a(total n/2)

third day : a a a .. a(total n/(2^2));

so onn.............. lets suppose after k days the apples left will be 1
i.e n/(2^k) should become 1 atlast

n/(2^k)=1; 2^k=n; applying log to base 2 on both sides

k=log n;

in the same manner in binary search

firstly we are left with n elements then n/2 then n/4 then n/8 so on finally we are left with one ele so time complexity is log n