Wildcard Expansion
Solution 1:
My first thought is you are probably making this problem too complicated. However, it is solvable.
You can do something like this with a crazy bash loop:
for i in /dir/*/file
cp $i %k-file
that uses a couple of bash string operators to extract the number of the source directory.
I guarantee there are waaay better ways to do this, that's just what came to mind.
Solution 2:
zsh% autoload zmv # should be done for you, noting it just in case
zsh% zmv -C '(*)/file' '$1-file'
zmv is a shell function, often used via alias mmv='noglob zmv -W'
for an even easier invocation, but in this case you want the regular usage, plus -C to copy instead of move.
Solution 3:
ls /dir |while read dirname; do cp -v /dir/"$dirname"/file "$dirname"-file ; done