Will a Full-Text Catalog with Track changes: AUTO automatically update if Change Tracking for that table is not enabled?

You are looking at the wrong place.

You have to check as below :

enter image description here

enter image description here

Using T-SQL ..

Use database_name

Once done, you can check the status of the last populated datetime

-- script source : http://stackoverflow.com/a/10505496/1387418
-- Modified by Kin on Dec 14' 2015 to reflect the FTCatalogName
SET     @CatalogName = 'AW2008FullTextCatalog' -- change here !

SELECT name as FTCatalogName, 
    DATEADD(ss, FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY(@CatalogName,'PopulateCompletionAge'), '1/1/1990') AS LastPopulated
        WHEN 0 THEN 'Idle'
        WHEN 1 THEN 'Full Population In Progress'
        WHEN 2 THEN 'Paused'
        WHEN 3 THEN 'Throttled'
        WHEN 4 THEN 'Recovering'
        WHEN 5 THEN 'Shutdown'
        WHEN 6 THEN 'Incremental Population In Progress'
        WHEN 7 THEN 'Building Index'
        WHEN 8 THEN 'Disk Full.  Paused'
        WHEN 9 THEN 'Change Tracking' END) AS PopulateStatus
FROM sys.fulltext_catalogs

enter image description here

Insert some data ..

insert into HumanResources.JobCandidate
(BusinessEntityID, Resume, ModifiedDate)
    (4, NULL, DEFAULT)

Now you will see that the FT Catalog is updated.

enter image description here

In the logs (..\MSSQL\Log\SQLFT*)also, below will be the message...

2015-12-14 12:36:51.29 spid50s Informational: Full-text Auto population completed for table or indexed view '[AdventureWorks2012].[HumanResources].[JobCandidate]' (table or indexed view ID '1589580701', database ID '5'). Number of documents processed: 1. Number of documents failed: 0. Number of documents that will be retried: 0.

From BOL :

By default, or if you specify CHANGE_TRACKING AUTO, the Full-Text Engine uses automatic population on the full-text index. After the initial full population completes, changes are tracked as data is modified in the base table, and the tracked changes are propagated automatically. The full-text index is updated in the background, however, so propagated changes might not be reflected immediately in the index.

By default, SQL Server populates a new full-text index fully as soon as it is created. However, a full population can consume a significant amount of resources. Therefore, when creating a full-text index during peak periods, it is often a best practice to delay the full population until an off-peak time, particularly if the base table of an full-text index is large. However, the full-text catalog to which the index belongs is not usable until all of its full-text indexes are populated.

Also, refer to Improve the Performance of Full-Text Indexes