Will the base class constructor be automatically called?

If you did not have a default parameterless constructor then there would be a need to call the one with parameters:

class Person
    public Person(string random)


class Customer : Person
    public Customer(string random) : base (random)


This is simply how C# is going to work. The constructors for each type in the type hierarchy will be called in the order of Most Base -> Most Derived.

So in your particular instance, it calls Person(), and then Customer() in the constructor orders. The reason why you need to sometimes use the base constructor is when the constructors below the current type need additional parameters. For example:

public class Base
     public int SomeNumber { get; set; }

     public Base(int someNumber)
         SomeNumber = someNumber;

public class AlwaysThreeDerived : Base
    public AlwaysThreeDerived()
       : base(3)

In order to construct an AlwaysThreeDerived object, it has a parameterless constructor. However, the Base type does not. So in order to create a parametersless constructor, you need to provide an argument to the base constuctor, which you can do with the base implementation.

Yes, the base class constructor will be called automatically. You do not need to add an explicit call to base() when there is a constructor with no arguments.

You can easily test this by printing out the age of the customer after construction (link to ideone with a demo).

Using your example, the answer is: YES. The base constructor will be called for you and you do not need to add one.

You are only REQUIRED to use "base(...)" calls in your derived class if you added a constructor with parameters to your Base Class, and didn't add an explicit default constructor.

You only need to make that base(...) call if you disrupt or break the implied constructor call chain to the base constructor from the derived class. That happens the minute you add a non-default constructor to your base class.

In c# using base and derived classes, some call to the base class's constructors must always be made from the derived class, either implicitly by the runtime, or explicitly by you. Most of the time the runtime will call the base class default constructor for you when you create your derived class object, so you do not need to call "base()". By default, a derived class when instantiated will always IMPLICITLY call the base class default constructor. That is why in most cases, you do NOT need to add "base()" to a derived class's constructor. A base class is always instantiated first from the derived class via a call to the default constructor in the base class, UNLESS you change its constructors (see below). C# doesn't care if it is a default constructor or non-default constructor with parameters. One must be called in the base class when the derived class object is created.

That is why you can leave out both a "base()" call in your derived class constructor and an explicit default constructor in all your classes as its implicitly called.

The implicit base class constructor call is only true and made for you if one of the following is true. When true, you do NOT need to call "base(...)" in your derived class:

  1. Your base class has no explicit constructors defined
  2. You base class has only an explicit default constructor defined
  3. You base class has one or more non-default constructors defined with parameters AND an explicit default constructor is defined.

When you suddenly add a non-default constructor with parameter(s) and NO default constructor, it breaks the default hidden default constructor chain creation and calls and you HAVE to add "base()". In your Base class with a non-default constructor you must now either call that constructor explicitly from the derived class using "base(...)", or add a default constructor explicitly in the base class. If the latter you can avoid "base()" calls. It is implicitly called.

Let's test this.....

class MyBaseClass0
// a default constructor added for you
class DerivedClass0 : MyBaseClass0
// an implied call to the base constructor is done for you

class MyBaseClass1
// a default constructor added for you
class DerivedClass1 : MyBaseClass1
    public DerivedClass1()
      // Here the derived class default constructor is 
      // created explicitly but an implied call to the
      // base constructor is done for you

class MyBaseClass2
// a default constructor added for you
class DerivedClass2 : MyBaseClass2
    public DerivedClass2() : base()
    // "base()" is still optional here as implied call
    // to the base constructor is done for you

class MyBaseClass3
// a default constructor added for you
class DerivedClass3 : MyBaseClass3
    public DerivedClass3(int x)// base not needed
    // an implied call to the base constructor is still done for you


class MyBaseClass4
    // need explicit default constructor or must use "base()" now

    // non-default constructor added which breaks implicit call
    public MyBaseClass4(string y)

class DerivedClass4 : MyBaseClass4
    public DerivedClass4(int x) : base("hello")
       // The implicit call to the default constructor is broken now
       // because we added a non-default constructor to base class.
       // Adding a "base()" call we have fulfilled the requirement
       // that some base constructor be called in the Base Class.

// The IMPLIED default constructor call now works again
// because we added an explicit default constructor beside
// the non-default one we added. "base()" is not needed again.

class MyBaseClass5
    public MyBaseClass5()

    public MyBaseClass5(string y)
class DerivedClass5 : MyBaseClass5
    public DerivedClass5(string x)