window.location.indexOf not working in Javascript

I found a way to make this work:

(window.location.href).indexOf("localhost") > -1)

I actually use this for my projects as conditionals and it works just fine.

As far as I know window.location is a Location object.

For instance, window.location.href will give you the entire URL.

var url = window.location.href;

But this kind of check is bound to trigger false-positives. You are better using window.location.hostname property which holds the host name part.

var hostname = window.location.hostname;
alert(hostname === "");

window.location is an accessor property, and getting its value gives you an object, not a string, and so it doesn't have an indexOf function. (It's perfectly understandable that people sometimes think it's a string, since when you set its value, the accessor property's setter accepts a string; that is, window.location = "some url"; actually works. But when you get it, you don't get a string.)

You can use window.location.toString(), String(window.location), or window.location.href to get a string for it if you like, or use any of its various properties to check specifics. From the link, given example url

  • hash: The part of the URL that follows the # symbol, including the # symbol. You can listen for the hashchange event to get notified of changes to the hash in supporting browsers.
    Example: #test
  • host: The host name and port number.
  • hostname: The host name (without the port number).
  • href: The entire URL.
  • pathname: The path (relative to the host).
    Example: /search
  • port: The port number of the URL.
    Example: 80
  • protocol: The protocol of the URL.
    Example: http:
  • search: The part of the URL that follows the ? symbol, including the ? symbol.
    Example: ?q=devmo

For instance, for your quoted example, you might check window.location.hostname === "localhost".