$(window).width() not the same as media query

Check a CSS rule that the media query changes. This is guaranteed to always work.



    <div id="mobile-indicator"></div>


function isMobileWidth() {
    return $('#mobile-indicator').is(':visible');


#mobile-indicator {
    display: none;

@media (max-width: 767px) {
    #mobile-indicator {
        display: block;

If you don't have to support IE9 you can just use window.matchMedia() (MDN documentation).

function checkPosition() {
    if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 767px)').matches) {
    } else {

window.matchMedia is fully consistent with the CSS media queries and the browser support is quite good: http://caniuse.com/#feat=matchmedia


If you have to support more browsers you can use Modernizr's mq method, it supports all browsers that understand media queries in CSS.

if (Modernizr.mq('(max-width: 767px)')) {
} else {

yes, that's due to scrollbar. Right answer source: enter link description here

function viewport() {
    var e = window, a = 'inner';
    if (!('innerWidth' in window )) {
        a = 'client';
        e = document.documentElement || document.body;
    return { width : e[ a+'Width' ] , height : e[ a+'Height' ] };

It may be due to scrollbar, use innerWidth instead of width like

if($(window).innerWidth() <= 751) {
   $("#body-container .main-content").remove()
                                .insertBefore($("#body-container .left-sidebar"));
} else {
   $("#body-container .main-content").remove()
                                .insertAfter($("#body-container .left-sidebar"));

Also you can get the viewport like

function viewport() {
    var e = window, a = 'inner';
    if (!('innerWidth' in window )) {
        a = 'client';
        e = document.documentElement || document.body;
    return { width : e[ a+'Width' ] , height : e[ a+'Height' ] };

Above code Source