Wine and Cyrillic Fonts

For some applications it's important to have proper ansi codepage set, I know for sure that classic Delphi 5/6/7 applications suffer from this. All you need is to run them with LANG set accordingly. Like this:

LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 wine program.exe

Of course you need to have this locale present on your system, normally you don't need to reboot after enabling new locale data.

In some cases (for example if you need to type in Solo app) you might need to:

  1. reconfigure your locales

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales && sudo update-locale In locales to be generated choose (using space key) ru_RU.CP1251 CP1251

  2. Run it using

    LC_ALL="ru_RU.CP1251" wine "/home/$USER/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Solo/Solo.exe"

P.S. install corefonts if you've not done it yet
winetricks corefonts