With iTerm2 on Mac, how to delete forward a word from cursor on command-line?

PreferencesProfileKeys add the following shortcuts:

Send Escape Sequence Esc+ b

Send Escape Sequence Esc+ f

Send Escape Sequence Esc+ [H

Send Escape Sequence Esc+ [F

←Delete Send Hex Code 0x18 0x7f (add bindkey "^X\\x7f" backward-kill-line to .zshrc if you use zShell)

←Delete Send Hex Code 0x1B 0x08

Del→ Send Hex Code 0x0b

Del→ Send Escape Sequence d

I don't have a mac handy, but ESC d should in theory do the same thing that ALT-d does.

NOTE: this means hitting ESC, releasing it, then hitting d. Look ma, no key chords.