With JavaScript, can I change the Z index/layer of an SVG <g> element?

An alternative to moving elements in the tree is to use <use> elements where you change the xlink:href attribute so that it gives you the z ordering you want.

Here's an old thread on svg-developers mailinglist discussing this topic in context of wanting to animate some shapes.


<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" 
     style="width:100%; height: 100%">
    <circle id="c1" cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="lime" />
    <rect id="r1" x="4" y="20" width="200" height="50" fill="cyan" />
    <circle id="c2" cx="70" cy="70" r="50" fill="fuchsia" />
    <use id="use" xlink:href="#c1" />

In this example the <use> element is the last one, which makes it the frontmost element. We can choose any of the other elements to act as frontmost simply by changing the xlink:href attribute. In the above example we picked the circle with id="c1", which makes it appear as the topmost element.

See fiddle.

Z index in SVG is defined by the order the elements appear in the document (subsequent elements are painted on top of previous elements).

You will have to change the element order if you want to bring a specific shape to the top.

This is old question, but...

On FireFox (7+) and Chrome (14+) you can pull svg_element to the top. This does not give you freedom of full z axis control, but it's better than nothing ;)

Just append that element again.

var svg = doc.createElemNS('svg');
var circle = doc.createElemNS('circle');
var line = doc.createElemNS('line');

svg.appendChild(circle); // appends it
svg.appendChild(line);   // appends it over circle
svg.appendChild(circle); // redraws it over line now

I thought it was going to throw en error or something.

appendChild == replace itself == redraw


