Withdrawing an article out for review when another journal posts a call for papers for a special issue that is right on topic?

I would suggest the following steps:

  1. Ask journal #1 if the review process has started.
  2. If it has not yet started, ask if it can be kept on hold for a few days.
  3. Meanwhile send a pre-submission inquiry to journal #2.
  4. If journal #2 seems positive about your paper, send a request to withdraw the paper from journal #1.
  5. Be honest about your reason for withdrawal, and add a word of appreciation for the editor's cooperation and understanding.
  6. Submit to journal #2 once the withdrawal is confirmed.

If the review process has started, it would be advisable to let things be and not withdraw from journal #1. If your paper is rejected from journal #2, you could consider submitting it to another journal rather than going back to journal #1.

Special issues are a bit outside of the standard journal review system. Typically, they will have guest editors who are in charge of recruiting and managing the submissions and getting them through the review process as efficiently as possible so that the entire issue can be published according to schedule. They are also typically responsible for having a certain number of articles in the submission, so the stringency of acceptance criteria may be somewhat relaxed for a special issue.

That said, given that the focus of journal #2 is so much closer to your field, I would lean towards withdrawing the submission from journal #1 and submitting to journal #2. If, for some reason, the article were rejected from that journal, I would use the editorial feedback to revise and improve the manuscript, and submit a different version of it to journal #1.

If the journal is pretty far through the review process, though, then I would not tinker with things, as that would represent a much bigger inconvenience for all involved.