Word language detection in C++

Simple language recognition from words is easy. You don't need to understand the semantics of the text. You don't need any computationally expensive algorithms, just a fast hash map. The problem is, you need a lot of data. Fortunately, you can probably find dictionaries of words in each language you care about. Define a bit mask for each language, that will allow you to mark words like "the" as recognized in multiple languages. Then, read each language dictionary into your hash map. If the word is already present from a different language, just mark the current language also.

Suppose a given word is in English and French. Then when you look it up ex("commercial") will map to ENGLISH|FRENCH, suppose ENGLISH = 1, FRENCH=2, ... You'll find the value 3. If you want to know whether the words are in your lang only, you would test:

int langs = dict["the"];
if (langs | mylang == mylang)
   // no other language

Since there will be other languages, probably a more general approach is better. For each bit set in the vector, add 1 to the corresponding language. Do this for n words. After about n=10 words, in a typical text, you'll have 10 for the dominant language, maybe 2 for a language that it is related to (like English/French), and you can determine with high probability that the text is English. Remember, even if you have a text that is in a language, it can still have a quote in another, so the mere presence of a foreign word doesn't mean the document is in that language. Pick a threshhold, it will work quite well (and very, very fast).

Obviously the hardest thing about this is reading in all the dictionaries. This isn't a code problem, it's a data collection problem. Fortunately, that's your problem, not mine.

To make this fast, you will need to preload the hash map, otherwise loading it up initially is going to hurt. If that's an issue, you will have to write store and load methods for the hash map that block load the entire thing in efficiently.

I have found Google's CLD very helpful, it's written in C++, and from their web site:

"CLD (Compact Language Detector) is the library embedded in Google's Chromium browser. The library detects the language from provided UTF8 text (plain text or HTML). It's implemented in C++, with very basic Python bindings."


Statistically trained language detectors work surprisingly well on single-word inputs, though there are obviously some cases where they can't possible work, as observed by others here.

In Java, I'd send you to Apache Tika. It has an Open-source statistical language detector.

For C++, you could use JNI to call it. Now, time for a disclaimer warning. Since you specifically asked for C++, and since I'm unaware of a C++ free alternative, I will now point you at a product of my employer, which is a statistical language detector, natively in C++.

http://www.basistech.com, the product name is RLI.

