wordpress check custom post type code example

Example: wordpress page check post type

A Single Post Page
When a single post of any post type (except attachment and page post types) is being displayed.
is_single( '17' ) 
When Post 17 is being displayed as a single Post.
is_single( 'Irish Stew' ) 
When the Post with Title "Irish Stew" is being displayed as a single Post.
is_single( 'beef-stew' ) 
When the Post with Post Slug "beef-stew" is being displayed as a single Post.
is_single( array( 17, 'beef-stew', 'Irish Stew' ) ) 
Returns true when the single post being displayed is either post ID 17, or the post_name is "beef-stew", or the post_title is "Irish Stew".
is_single( array( 17, 19, 1, 11 ) ) 
Returns true when the single post being displayed is either post ID = 17, post ID = 19, post ID = 1 or post ID = 11.
is_single( array( 'beef-stew', 'pea-soup', 'chili' ) ) 
Returns true when the single post being displayed is either the post_name "beef-stew", post_name "pea-soup" or post_name "chili".
is_single( array( 'Beef Stew', 'Pea Soup', 'Chili' ) ) 
Returns true when the single post being displayed is either the post_title is "Beef Stew", post_title is "Pea Soup" or post_title is "Chili".
Note: This function does not distinguish between the post ID, post title, or post name. A post named "17" would be displayed if a post ID of 17 was requested. Presumably the same holds for a post with the slug "17".


Php Example