Wordpress Plugin Slider Revolution Error
There is the best solution :
- List item
- Go to revolution slider on the dashboard
- Select your slider causing the problem
- go to param slider
- Scroll to problem handlings on the right
- Select Troubleshooting
- set option: Put JS Includes To Bodyoption to true.
That's it
You may need to update your theme and/or the Rev Slider plugin.
I found this happening today after updating the Autoptimize plugin. Turning off Javascript optimisation in the Autoptimize settings fixed the problem (though likely at the cost of some performance).
I have the same problem. I am not sure what cause this problem but I can share my workaround:
- First you have to have FTP access to your WP folder
- Deactivate Revolution Slider plugin
- Use FTP and go to revslider/public/assets/assets/svg/ and download svg.zip file to your PC.
- Unzip svg.zip. Grab all unzipped content and put it in uploads/revslider/assets/svg/ folder.(If in uploads/revslider folders assets and svg doesn't exist you have to create them manually).
- Go to revslider/inludes/framework/ open base.class.php file and edit function public_folder_unzip():
Old code
if($unzipfile === true){
update_option('rs_public_version', RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION);
add_action('admin_notices', array('RevSliderBase', 'copy_notice'));
New code
if($unzipfile == true){
update_option('rs_public_version', RevSliderGlobals::SLIDER_REVISION);
add_action('admin_notices', array('RevSliderBase', 'copy_notice'));
- Save file changes.
- Activate plugin.