Wordpress - wordpress sanitize array?

Here's a way to do it with PHP's array map function:

// Good idea to make sure things are set before using them
$tags = isset( $_POST['tags'] ) ? (array) $_POST['tags'] : array();

// Any of the WordPress data sanitization functions can be used here
$tags = array_map( 'esc_attr', $tags );

I needed a recursive sanitation, so here's my solution:

 * Recursive sanitation for an array
 * @param $array
 * @return mixed
function recursive_sanitize_text_field($array) {
    foreach ( $array as $key => &$value ) {
        if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
            $value = recursive_sanitize_text_field($value);
        else {
            $value = sanitize_text_field( $value );

    return $array;

If anyone is interested, I solved it like this:

        $tags = $_POST['tags'];
        if (count($tags) > 5){
            echo 'Niet meer dan 5 tags';
            $stop = true;

        if (is_array($tags)) {
            foreach ($tags as &$tag) {
                $tag = esc_attr($tag);
            unset($tag );
        } else {
            $tags = esc_attr($tags);