Working with hex strings and hex values more easily in Javascript
For folks looking for a function that can add and subtract HEX colors without going out of bounds on an individual tuple, I wrote this function a few minutes ago to do just that:
export function shiftColor(base, change, direction) {
const colorRegEx = /^\#?[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}$/;
// Missing parameter(s)
if (!base || !change) {
return '000000';
// Invalid parameter(s)
if (!base.match(colorRegEx) || !change.match(colorRegEx)) {
return '000000';
// Remove any '#'s
base = base.replace(/\#/g, '');
change = change.replace(/\#/g, '');
// Build new color
let newColor = '';
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
const basePiece = parseInt(base.substring(i * 2, i * 2 + 2), 16);
const changePiece = parseInt(change.substring(i * 2, i * 2 + 2), 16);
let newPiece = '';
if (direction === 'add') {
newPiece = (basePiece + changePiece);
newPiece = newPiece > 255 ? 255 : newPiece;
if (direction === 'sub') {
newPiece = (basePiece - changePiece);
newPiece = newPiece < 0 ? 0 : newPiece;
newPiece = newPiece.toString(16);
newPiece = newPiece.length < 2 ? '0' + newPiece : newPiece;
newColor += newPiece;
return newColor;
You pass your base color as parameter 1, your change as parameter 2, and then 'add' or 'sub' as the last parameter depending on your intent.
How about this:
var hexValue = "aaaaaa";
hexValue = (parseInt(hexValue, 16) + 0x010101).toString(16);
document.writeln(hexValue); // outputs 'ababab'
There is no need to add the 0x prefix if you use parseInt.
I think accepted answer is wrong. Hexadecimal color representation is not a linear. But instead, 3 sets of two characters are given to R, G & B.
So you can't just add a whole number and expect to RGB to add up correctly.
For Example
n1 = '005500'; <--- green
n2 = '00ff00'; <--- brighter green
Adding these numbers should result in a greener green. In no way, adding greens should increase RED to increase. but by doing what accepted answer is doing, as in just treat whole number as one number then you'd carry over for numbers adding upto greater than f, f+1 = 10.
you get `015400` so by adding greens the RED increased .... WRONG
adding 005500 + 00ff00 should result in, = 00ff00. You can't add more green to max green.
No, there is no way to tell the JavaScript language to use hex integer format instead of decimal by default. Your code is about as concise as it gets but note that you do not need to prepend the "0x" base indicator when you use "parseInt" with a base.
Here is how I would approach your problem:
function addHexColor(c1, c2) {
var hexStr = (parseInt(c1, 16) + parseInt(c2, 16)).toString(16);
while (hexStr.length < 6) { hexStr = '0' + hexStr; } // Zero pad.
return hexStr;
addHexColor('aaaaaa', '010101'); // => 'ababab'
addHexColor('010101', '010101'); // => '020202'
As mentioned by a commenter, the above solution is chock full of problems, so below is a function that does proper input validation and adds color channels separately while checking for overflow.
function addHexColor2(c1, c2) {
const octetsRegex = /^([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})$/i
const m1 = c1.match(octetsRegex)
const m2 = c2.match(octetsRegex)
if (!m1 || !m2) {
throw new Error(`invalid hex color triplet(s): ${c1} / ${c2}`)
return [1, 2, 3].map(i => {
const sum = parseInt(m1[i], 16) + parseInt(m2[i], 16)
if (sum > 0xff) {
throw new Error(`octet ${i} overflow: ${m1[i]}+${m2[i]}=${sum.toString(16)}`)
return sum.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')
addHexColor2('aaaaaa', 'bogus!') // => Error: invalid hex color triplet(s): aaaaaa / bogus!
addHexColor2('aaaaaa', '606060') // => Error: octet 1 overflow: aa+60=10a