Wrap the real right around the trigonometric circle (Metapost)
For the labels on your y
-axis, you use
label.urt(btex $\pi$ etex,(xpart point 0 of C,u*(pi)));
label.urt(btex $1$ etex,(xpart point 0 of C,u*1));
label.urt(btex $2\pi$ etex,(xpart point 0 of C,u*(2pi)));
label.urt(btex $\frac{\pi}{2}$ etex,(xpart point 0 of C,u*(pi/2)));
label.urt(btex $-\frac{\pi}{2}$ etex,(xpart point 0 of C,u*(-pi/2)));
label.urt("$M$", point 1.3 of C);`
First, this has a lot of repetitions which makes it hard to adjust, so let's move this into a macro:
vardef labeled (expr t, y) =
save p; pair p;
p = (xpart point 0 of C, y*u);
label.urt(t, p);
labeled(btex $\pi$ etex,pi);
labeled(btex $1$ etex,1);
labeled(btex $2\pi$ etex,2pi);
labeled(btex $\frac{\pi}{2}$ etex,pi/2);
labeled(btex $-\frac{\pi}{2}$ etex,-pi/2);
Now we can add little red lines to indicate the exact positions: Add
draw p shifted (-0.5mm, 0) -- p shifted (0.5mm, 0) withcolor red;
to labeled
. This gives
Now we see why -pi/2 seemed to be in a odd position and not symmetric to pi/2:
places the label in an upper right position and therefore moves all labels a bit up. We can use label.rt
in labeled
instead to avoid this:
Now the axis still looks odd: The drawing seems to illustrate the correspondence between the length of the circular arc and the angle in radians, so it only works if the radius of the circle is 1 unit. So we change C = fullcircle scaled 5u;
to C = fullcircle scaled 2u;
(The diameter should be 2u
) This make the entire diagram quite small, so we could also increase u
. Our new figure is
Now we want to add alpha
. First we calculate alpha
by asking for the length of the arc (arclength
) of the path you are interested in (I use 1.2 instead of 1.3
because that is the path you actually used in your code):
alpha*u = arclength subpath(0,1.2) of C;
Then we can add
labeled(btex $\alpha$ etex, alpha);
It turns out that this arc has a length slightly below 1, so let's use subpath(0, 1.4)
instead to make it look a bit more like your original:
Now wwe can make everything a bit bigger and add some alignment to the labels to get:
numeric u, pi;
u = 20mm;
pi = 3.141592654;
path C, T, xx, yy;
C = fullcircle scaled 2u;
xx = (point 4 of C -- point 0 of C) scaled 1.1;
yy = (point 6 of C -- point 2 of C) scaled 1.1;
T = ((xpart point 0 of C,6.5u) -- (xpart point 0 of C,-2u));
alpha*u = arclength subpath(0,1.4) of C;
draw xx;
draw yy;
draw C withpen pencircle scaled 3/4;
draw origin -- (point 1.4 of C) withcolor blue;
draw subpath(0,1.4) of C withcolor blue;
draw T withcolor red;
vardef labeled (expr t, y) =
save p; pair p;
p = (xpart point 0 of C, y*u);
label.rt(t, p);
draw p shifted (-0.5mm, 0) -- p shifted (0.5mm, 0) withcolor red;
labeled(btex $\alpha$ etex,alpha);
labeled(btex \hbox to 1.5em{\hfill$\pi$} etex,pi);
labeled(btex \hbox to 1.5em{\hfill$1$} etex,1);
labeled(btex \hbox to 1.5em{\hfill$2\pi$} etex,2pi);
labeled(btex \hbox to 1.5em{\hfill$\frac{\pi}{2}$} etex,pi/2);
labeled(btex \hbox to 1.5em{\hfill$-\frac{\pi}{2}$} etex,-pi/2);
label.urt("$M$", point 1.4 of C);
label.llft("$O$", origin);
label.lrt("$I$", point 0 of C);
label.ulft("$J$", point 2 of C);
label.urt(btex $\frac{\pi}{2}$ etex, point 2 of C);
fill fullcircle scaled dotlabeldiam
shifted point 1.4 of C
withcolor blue;
Just for comparison (or more honestly just for my own amusement), here is another version, that you might find instructive.
Compile with lualatex
numeric u, pi, alpha;
u = 42;
pi = 3.141592653589793;
alpha = 1.2;
% you might not want this grid
numeric minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
minx = -7/2; maxx = 1; miny = -2; maxy = 13/2;
for x=minx step 1/2 until maxx:
draw ((x, miny) -- (x, maxy)) scaled u withcolor 3/4 white;
for y=miny step 1/2 until maxy:
draw ((minx, y) -- (maxx, y)) scaled u withcolor 3/4 white;
path C, ii, jj;
C = fullcircle scaled 2u shifted (-u,0);
ii = (point 4 of C -- point 0 of C) shifted - center C scaled 1.15 shifted center C;
jj = (point 6 of C -- point 2 of C) shifted - center C scaled 1.15 shifted center C;
path negative_d, positive_d;
positive_d = origin -- (0, maxy) scaled u;
negative_d = origin -- (0, miny) scaled u;
draw negative_d withcolor 2/3 red;
draw positive_d withcolor 1/2 green;
label.lft("$\cal D$", 3/2 pi * u * up) withcolor 1/2 green;
vardef mark_y_axis(expr value, name, shade) =
save p; pair p; p = value * u * up;
draw (left--right) scaled 2 shifted p withcolor shade;
label.rt(name, p shifted 2 right);
mark_y_axis(1, "$1$", 1/2 green);
mark_y_axis(alpha, "$\alpha$", 1/2 green);
mark_y_axis(1/2 pi, "$\pi/2$", 1/2 green);
mark_y_axis(pi, "$\pi$", 1/2 green);
mark_y_axis(2pi, "$2\pi$", 1/2 green);
mark_y_axis(-1/2 pi, "$-\pi/2$", 2/3 red);
z.M = point alpha * 4 / pi of C;
path trajet;
trajet = subpath (0, alpha * 4 / pi) of C .. {left} (minx, 4/3)*u;
numeric a; pair p;
a = arctime pi*u of trajet;
p = point a of trajet;
draw (down--up) scaled 2 rotated angle direction a of trajet shifted p withcolor 1/2 green;
label.ulft("$\pi$", p);
draw ii withpen pencircle scaled 1/4;
draw jj withpen pencircle scaled 1/4;
draw C;
draw trajet withcolor 1/2 green;
draw center C -- z.M withcolor 1/4 blue;
label("$M$", z.M + (-2,8)); filldraw fullcircle scaled dotlabeldiam shifted z.M;
vardef show_mapping(expr a, b) =
interim ahangle := 30;
drawarrow a {left} .. b {dir 240}
cutbefore fullcircle scaled 8 shifted a
cutafter fullcircle scaled 8 shifted b
withcolor 3/4 blue;
show_mapping(pi * u * up, p);
show_mapping(alpha * u * up, z.M);
label.llft("$O$", center C);
label.lrt("$I$", point 0 of C);
label.llft("$J$", point 2 of C);
Some notes
You can vary
to adjust the size of the whole thing (except the font sizes)But it's probably not a good idea to vary the value of the variable
. There is no constant built into MP, so I just defined it here, using the value that happens to be built into my editor. If you don't trust my constant you could try writingpi = 1/4 arclength (quartercircle scaled 16);
which also works...You can just remove the grid if you don't want it
I have put the point
and the corresponding pointM
in the mathematically correct places. To get from the scalar value ofalpha
to the correct point round the circle I usedpoint alpha * 4 / pi of C
. This is because the length of a semicircle is 4 units of MP time and pi units of length.You can use arbitrary suffixes with the
notation, soz.M
works just likez0
. You need the.
to separate thez
from the suffix if the suffix is alphabetic.arctime x of p
finds the "time"t
along pathp
such thatlength(subpath(0, t) of p) = x
, which is exactly what we want to find the point that ispi
units along our curved path.the
definition shows a way to shorten a path usingcutbefore
(and shows off nice thin arrow heads).