Write a java program on how to use multiple try/catch statements. code example

Example 1: Explain try & catch finally block in Java

try block: code that is protected for any exceptions. and it is mandatory (only try)
catch block: if any exception happens during runtime in the try block, 
the catch block will catch that exception.
if any exception happens during runtime in the try block, 
control will be given to catch block.
An optional finally block gives us a chance to run the code which 
we want to execute EVERYTIME a try-catch block is completed 
– either with errors or without any error.

Example 2: can we have multiple catch block for a try block

In some cases our code may throw more than one exception. 
In such case we can specify two or more catch clauses, each catch handling 
different type of exception. When an exception is thrown jvm checks each 
catch statement in order and the first one which matches the type of 
exception is execution and remaining catch blocks are skipped.
Try with multiple catch blocks is highly recommended in java.
If try with multiple catch blocks are present the order of catch blocks is 
very important and the order should be from child to parent.


Misc Example