Write a Metaquine
CJam, 6 bytes
which is the shortest proper quine in CJam.
Test it here.
Both programs work exactly the same, since the linefeed inside the proper quine is a no-op and only included because it's more expensive to remove it from the output. How the programs work:
"_p" e# Push this string.
_ e# Duplicate it.
p e# Print a string representation of the top of the stack (i.e. the string with
e# quotes) followed by a linefeed.
e# The other copy is then printed automatically at the end of the program, without
e# stringifying it.
Side Note
The same works in GolfScript as
which prints
with a trailing linefeed, which in turn is one of the shortest known quines.
Pyth, 12 11 10 9 bytes
Knocked off one more byte thanks to @Pietu1998.
jN B".[9N
This prints
which is a quine in Pyth. You can try it out here.
Fission, 6 bytes
Which is the shortest Fission quine. This works because cyclic shifts of the program leave its output completely unaffected.
Try it online!