Writing a Python Pandas DataFrame to Word document
You can write the table straight into a .docx
file using the python-docx
If you are using the Conda or installed Python using Anaconda, you can run the command from the command line:
conda install python-docx --channel conda-forge
Or to pip install from the command line:
pip install python-docx
After that is installed, we can use it to open the file, add a table, and then populate the table's cell text with the data frame data.
import docx
import pandas as pd
# i am not sure how you are getting your data, but you said it is a
# pandas data frame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# open an existing document
doc = docx.Document('./test.docx')
# add a table to the end and create a reference variable
# extra row is so we can add the header row
t = doc.add_table(df.shape[0]+1, df.shape[1])
# add the header rows.
for j in range(df.shape[-1]):
t.cell(0,j).text = df.columns[j]
# add the rest of the data frame
for i in range(df.shape[0]):
for j in range(df.shape[-1]):
t.cell(i+1,j).text = str(df.values[i,j])
# save the doc
def doctable(data, tabletitle, pathfile):
from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Pt, Mm
import pandas as pd
document = Document()
section = document.sections[0]
section.page_height = Mm(297)
section.page_width = Mm(210)
section.left_margin = Mm(20)
section.right_margin = Mm(20)
section.top_margin = Mm(20)
section.bottom_margin = Mm(20)
section.header_distance = Mm(12.7)
section.footer_distance = Mm(12.7)
data = pd.DataFrame(data) # My input data is in the 2D list form
table = document.add_table(rows=(data.shape[0]), cols=data.shape[1]) # First row are table headers!
table.allow_autofit = True
table.autofit = True
for i, column in enumerate(data) :
for row in range(data.shape[0]) :
table.cell(row, i).text = str(data[column][row])
return 0