Writing text next to a table

How about this, based on bigdelim and makecell? The margin for the caption was obtained by trial and error – it depends on the text of the last column.

\usepackage{caption, booktabs, bigdelim, makecell}%


\begin{tabular}{r r r c@{}l}
 \thead{strength} & \thead{region} & \thead{comments} & \rdelim\updownarrow{7}{*} & Landau limit \\
 $H_B \ll H_0$ & Landau levels \\
$ H_B \lessapprox H_0 $& $n$-mixing & $n$ not good\\
  & $\ell$-lmixing & $\ell$ not good \\
 $H_B \ll B_0$ & Paschen-Back regime & $J$ noot good, $L$ and $S$ good \\
 & Intermediate regime & $J$ and $I$ good, $F$ not good \\
 & Zeeman effect & $F$ good \\


enter image description here

Without use of booktabs for the table (but clines instead) and with use of tikz with a n arrow that its height is found with tests:

$% Use `\left.` if don't want arrow on this side.
\begin{tabular}[t]{r r r c l}\cline{1-3}
 \multicolumn{1}{c}{strength} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{region} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{comments} &\multirow{6}{*}{\begin{tikzpicture}\draw[<->](0,0)--(0,2.9cm);\end{tikzpicture}}&Landau limit\\
 $H_B \ll H_0$ & Landau levels &&\\
$ H_B \lessapprox H_0 $& $n$-mixing & $n$ not good&&\\
  & $\ell$-lmixing & $\ell$ not good &&\\
 $H_B \ll B_0$ & Paschen-Back regime & $J$ noot good, $L$ and $S$ good &&\\
 & Intermediate regime & $J$ and $I$ good, $F$ not good &&\\
 & Zeeman effect & $F$ good &&\\


enter image description here

PS: Just as a start...

(Needed packages for OP's non working example:




for the fix with \captionof{table} instead of \caption{}


For the $\left...$ effect one needs a [c] tabular. But to align the text, one need a [t] tabular. So I measured the [t] tabular and used \raisebox and \rule to fake a centered object with the right size. Finally, the top baseline of the tabular is actually \toprule, so I had to put the text into the second line of another tabular.

\usepackage{caption, booktabs, graphics}%


\sbox0{\begin{tabular}[t]{r r r}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{strength} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{region} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{comments} \\
 $H_B \ll H_0$ & Landau levels \\
$ H_B \lessapprox H_0 $& $n$-mixing & $n$ not good\\
  & $\ell$-lmixing & $\ell$ not good \\
 $H_B \ll B_0$ & Paschen-Back regime & $J$ noot good, $L$ and $S$ good \\
 & Intermediate regime & $J$ and $I$ good, $F$ not good \\
 & Zeeman effect & $F$ good \\
\raisebox{\dimexpr 0.5\ht0-0.5\dp0 + 0.5\dp\strutbox-0.5\ht\strutbox}{$\left.\rule{0pt}{\dimexpr 0.5\ht0+0.5\dp0}\right\updownarrow$}%
\begin{tabular}[t]{l} \\Landau limit \end{tabular}




