X509Certificate Constructor Exception

Turns out there's a setting in the IIS Application Pool configuration (Application Pools > Advanced Settings) to load the user profile for the application pool identity user. When set to false, the key containers aren't accessible.

So just set Load User Profile option as True

App Pool-> Advanced Settings Screen

More than likely, when you are running from Visual Studio/Cassini, it is accessing your user certificate store, even though you're loading it from bytes. Could you please try this and see if it solves your issue:

var certificate = new X509Certificate(
    cert.CertificatePKCS12, "SomePassword", X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet);

This will cause IIS (which runs as the ASP.NET user which likely doesn't have access to a user store) to use the Machine store.

This page explains the constructor in more detail, and this page explains the X509KeyStorageFlags enumeration.

Edit: Based on the second link from cyphr, it looks like it might be a good idea (if the previous solution doesn't work), to combine some of the FlagsAttribute enumeration values like so:

var certificate = new X509Certificate(
    cert.CertificatePKCS12, "SomePassword",
    | X509KeyStorageFlags.PersistKeySet
    | X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);

Additionally, if you have access, you may want to try changing your Application Pool setting to use LocalService (and then restart the AppPool). This may elevate your permissions to an appropriate level if that is the problem.

Finally, you can use File.WriteAllBytes to write out the CertificatePKCS12 contents to a pfx file and see if you can manually import it using the certificate console under MMC (you can delete after successful import; this is just to test). It could be that your data is getting munged, or the password is incorrect.

Use this code:

certificate = new X509Certificate2(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(p12File)
                                   , p12FilePassword
                                   , X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet |
                                     X509KeyStorageFlags.PersistKeySet | 