Xamarin Binding Jar gives error: does not implement inherited abstract member AsyncTask.DoInBackground(params Object[])

You can check this great post: Approaching a Xamarin.Android Bindings Case, by checking the Adding Types part, it uses <add-node> when we want to add a class, change a constructor, or switch a generic type.

For your lib, you can open the Metadata.xml under the Transforms folder, and then add this code:

<add-node path="/api/package[@name='com.acrcloud.rec.sdk.utils']">
  <class abstract="false" deprecated="not deprecated" final="false" name="ACRCloudLocalRecognizerInitAsyncTask" static="true" visibility="public" extends="java.lang.Object">

  <class abstract="false" deprecated="not deprecated" final="false" name="ACRCloudGetIPAddressAsyncTask" static="true" visibility="public" extends="java.lang.Object">

Then it can be successfully compiled, but I didn't test to reference this lib to Xamarin.Android project, you may need further research for using this lib. Anyway, that post helps a lot.

You can also check the similar case on SO: Java Binding Abstract class not being generated.