Xampp - Redirect external url to localhost

Yes : dont use hardcoded links !

Seriously, I'm not sure if I understood correctly. If you are talking of URLs in your pages pointing to other pages on the same site, you should use links of the form "/example/view.php" instead of "http://www.mysite.com/example/view.php". That way, you will always point to the same site.

If those links go to external sites, but you need to redirect them locally for testing (I cant see why this would be the case, but you never know ...) then you could use a varable in a config file. The you would just need to change this variable at one place ...

Two solutions come to my mind:

  1. Use relative URLs (preferred)
  2. Add your external URL to your hosts file which can be found either in

    C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (Windows)


    /etc/hosts (Linux)

    Just add this line:

    www.mysite.com localhost

    Maybe you have to use your servers ip instead of mysite.com, I'm not sure right now

I just stumbled upon this.

Use this line in hosts: www.yoururl.com