Xcode 11 crashing on iPhone 13.1 app running

So, I found that inside this folder:

~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport

Xcode creates cache folders for all the physical devices symbols it paired.

This folder remains even if you uninstall Xcode, and the cache is reused even when you install other versions of the software.

Deleting the folders content made Xcode download the symbols again, run prepare debug support for the device phase and reset the device connection, solving the problem.

1.Go to Project Folder enter image description here

2.Right-click on xcodeproj enter image description here

3.Click Show package Content enter image description here

4.Delete xcuserdata directory enter image description here

According to @alxlives 'Deleting the folders content made Xcode download the symbols again, run prepare debug support for the device phase and reset the device connection, solving the problem.' This solution solved the problem for me. Here is a terminal command to remove all contents inside of the folder.

rm -r ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS\ DeviceSupport/

This commands remove all files that are located inside of the Device Support folderl.

I was having this issue with Xcode 11.1 and an iPhone XR running iOS 13.2.3 (iPad running that OS version was fine). The accepted answer didn't work for me. Upgrading to Xcode 11.2.1 fixed it.


