Xcode - open current file in a NEW window (a real challenge !)
Open the file what you want to open in the NEW window.
- Command + Shift + t
Open the file what you want to open in the separated window.
- Command + Option + ,
In XCode's Preferences you can change the following:
And then right-click within the primary editor and click "Open in Separate Window"
Edit: Instead of right clicking in the primary editor you can simply type command+option+, (comma)
I wrote a new automator service that does the following steps in Xcode:
- Execute the default shortcut for the "Open in..." menu item (Command-O) (if this isn't your current "Open in" shortcut, the workflow will not work. If you still want to test it, just changed your default shortcut :) )
- Go all the way to the left in the weird "Open in" view
- hit Enter
- Current file opened in new window
The only thing you need to do is install the service on osx and map a shortcut to it.
Here a download to the service: https://www.dropbox.com/s/486t2iz17o0l9dh/Open-New-Window.zip
1.Place Service file in folder ~/Library/Services 2. Open "System preferences" 3. > Keyboard 4. > Tab "ShortCuts" > "Service" > "General" 5. > Set your own shortcut for the service 6. Go to XCode and test the service by using your very own shortcut
Tested on OS X Mavericks, Xcode 5.0.1