xcode using wrong node.js version

I resolved the issue by adding . ~\.bash_profile to the top of shell script.

Add your node path to Build Phases / Bundle React Native Code and images settings


The problem seems to occur when you have installed react-native-cli with the wrong Node (and thus npm) version.

First shut down xcode and let's make sure that there is no old node processes running, I'm not sure if this is necessary but it is good to make sure:

$ ps -e|grep node
$ kill {process number(s) here}

Then set the default nvm node version to the one you want to use, for example:

$ nvm alias default 6.6.0

Then restart your terminal and make sure that the node version is now the one you want by default:

$ node -v

Now reinstall react-native-cli with the new node version active (it affects the npm version):

$ npm install -g react-native-cli

Now running $ react-native run-ios should run xcode with the proper version! (If it doesn't, make sure to restart your terminal/xcode and try again).

I resolved by adding . ~/.nvm/nvm.sh to the top of the shell script in Build Phases