Xcode6: Run two instances of the simulator

Xcode 9+

Xcode 9 now supports launching multiple simulators. This was announced in WWDC 2017.

Just go and change the simulator in Xcode, Cmd + R and you will see a new simulator popping up.

enter image description here

You can run two instances of the iOS simulator from the command line. They won’t be attached to Xcode debugging—indeed, it seems only to work if you do it without Xcode running at all.

First, you need to run the app in the simulator from Xcode, in order to get it installed in the simulator. Make sure you’re running the same simulators you’ll ultimately be using

Now open a Terminal window, and do this.

cd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Applications
open -n iOS\ Simulator.app
open -n iOS\ Simulator.app

Update for Xcode 7: With Xcode 7 the application name of the simulator has changed, so it's this instead:

cd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Applications
open -n Simulator.app
open -n Simulator.app

When the second one launches you’ll get an error alert. Just dismiss it and select a different device from “Hardware” » “Device”. Now you have two simulators running, and whatever apps you already installed in them from Xcode will be there.